服膺 英语单词大全:服膺

1. 黑暗传》的终极价值主要有三:一是追根溯源、探索究竟,寻找并定位民族历史和灵魂的最早、最远的根须;二是慎终追远、报本返始,引导民族直面历史并感恩戴德、感念天地苍生,孕育并强化民族古老的、本能的感恩心;三是昭示并强化一种与世推移、因时顺变的文化自觉,一种顺应自然、回归自然的文化理想,一种服膺天地自然律令的高境界的文化原则。

The ultimate value contains the following three aspects: one is to strive for and identify national history and the earliest and remotest root of spirit, the other is to lead the nation to face the history and be obliged to the world for its grace, the last is to declare and emphasize a culture conscientiousness that changes with the time, a cult...

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 其文化观最后服膺于马克思主义文化观,既是李大钊自己的理性选择,又是历史的必然,可以说是内外因素综合作用的结果。服膺

It was not only the rational choice of Li himself, but the inevitability of historical development.

3. 你的这番高见,我服膺了。

I am deeply impressed by your insights.

4. 但是,是什么东西阻拦着我服膺哈耶克的理论呢?

But what is to stop me from becoming bewitched by his message?

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5. 在这样邪恶的世代,有多少个服膺信从真理的基督徒﹖愿你和我是其中之一!

Oh, that the writer and the reader may be two of this sort!

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6. 较高层次的心灵是根据灵性的法则而运作的,因此,它只服膺上主的天律。

The higher mind thinks according to the laws spirit obeys, and therefore honours only the laws of God.

7. 在1980年中期以前,艺术家要求寻找钜变表象下的绝对秩序,并服膺於进化思想,认为历史必须在不断翻新中进步。1980年中期直到末期,艺术家在现代主义和后现代主义的交鸣下显得立场模糊,线性历史观似乎已然瓦解,但艺术家仍基於求「新」的立场上,以新绘画攻南形式主义流派;而在认同主体方面也将东方/中国与本土相混淆。

Before middle 1980"s, the artists requested the absolute order under the great change representation, and they obeyed to the evolution thought. They think the history must unceasingly progress. In middle 1980"s until the last stage, the artist appear the standpoint fuzzily because of the Correlation by the modernism and post-modernism, the linear conception of history as if already disintegrates, but the artist still based on asked"was new"in the standpoint, attacked formalism school by creating new painting. But in identity aspect, they also confused with Eastern/China and native.

8. 就我们将要在这次会议讨论的各项主题而言,危莫大于服膺于官词之力,自囿于唇舌之势,险莫过于相信或认为只要把话说了,挑战就对付过去。

Nothing would be more dangerous than to believe or to give the impression that just because things are said, the challenges have been met.

9. 服膺的解释

9. 中晚唐的福建省学者,颇有人服膺安史乱后出现的新儒家思潮。

3The scholars in Fujian Province in the middle-late Tang dynasty were deemed highly of the then Neo-Confucianism.

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10. 即使在当今,一个长子比起弟弟妹妹来,也不会不服膺于他对于这个家的传承有着更多的责任与义务的内心律令,而这内心律令显然来自于血脉里古老儒家的濡染。

Even in today, pothers and sisters than to a son, it can not fail to keep faith in his family"s heritage for this have more responsibilities and obligations of the inner imperative, and this imperative is clear from the heart blood vessels inside the ancient Confucian Ruran.

11. 孩子们!现今你们对法律应热诚服膺,应为我们祖先的盟约舍生致命。

Now therefore, O my sons, be ye zealous for the law, and give your lives for the covenant of your fathers.

12. danci.911cha.com

12. 至于我自己,我对上述之音乐确实服膺无已,此固与我之虔诚信仰有关,亦系我的特殊禀赋所致;甚即通常旅店之俚俗音乐,所叙不出嬉乐激切之情,尚能使我对那最初制曲人于胸臆之中顿生仰慕之忱与遥深之想。

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