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1. 上周承中国妇产科学会绝经学组盛情相邀访华,与同行们交流了国际绝经协会对HRT的一些最新观点。

But there is no preparation that can reduce all three risks. For this reason, I really think the recommendation to use natural estrogen combined with dydrogestrone is a good recommendation and lastly we have chatted last week together with china menopause society.

2. 非常感谢您的盛情相邀。邀

Thank you very much for your gracious invitation.

3. 相邀在线翻译

3. 第一节 朋友相邀▼提出邀请我们几个朋友准备在我家聚一聚。

We"re going to have a few friends over at my house.

4. 导读:有两个嗜酒如命的人。有一天,两人相邀去喝酒,却发现两人身上加起来的钱只有200馀元,其中一个人对另一人说:「没关系,看我的。

Wine of two be addicted to is like the person of the life.

5. 既然你如此盛情相邀,我就却之不恭了。

It would be impolite for me to reject your kind invitation.

6. 若更进一步我和他们相邀一块上学,旷课的事还有可能发生吗?

If I go further and they house a school absenteeism things are possible?

7. 相邀

7. 今天,新奥尔良的这个风雨交加的星期天是奈根任期的最后一天。对此,我们额手称庆,我们相邀欢聚。

Today, a stormy Sunday here in New Orleans, we are celepating the last day of Nagin and are preparing to party.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. 它是冬夜里闷在女人眼睫上那转瞬即逝的相邀的眼神。

It is the invitation that glows ephemeral on a woman"s lashes on a winter night.

9. 相邀

9. 公司董事长兼总经理叶从年真诚相邀国内外客商莅临参观、指导、加盟合作!

Ye Congnian, the board chairman and president of the company, sincerely invite domestic and foreign customers to visit our company and cooperate with us.

10. 小峡休闲度假区,以小峡河为脉络、花溪、花径相连;拱桥、曲桥互通;长廊、水榭相邀;洞门、影避对望。

Small Gap leisure resorts, for a small river gorge context huaxi, flower diameter connected; arch pidges exchange; promenadexiang yao waterside; Portal, Shadow of hope to avoid.

11. 相邀什么意思

11. 作为汉族传统的古代宴饮礼仪,自有一套程序:主人折柬相邀,临时迎客于门外。邀

Han, as the ancient feast of traditional etiquette, a set of procedures from the pack: Cambodia masters equally, the Provisional welcoming door.

12. 相邀

12. 学生开始一对一对相邀种树,一个负责掩土,另一个负责扶苗,不一会儿两个孩子互相交换位置,昆明的学生使唤不来铁锨和锄头,本地的孩子则拿过锄头,那敲击泥块和掩土的把式,一点也不逊色于他们的长辈。

Children began to form into pairs, one shoveled soil into pitch, while the other one supported the sapling. Urban children were not used to the farm tools. The village pupil helped them instead. And every single action of them showed that they were imitates of their village parents.

13. 我们诚意相邀,在双赢的基础上与新老客户一道携手并进。

We sincerely nearby, in a win-win basis with new and old customers hand in hand.

14. 相邀的近义词

14. 如今人们依然会在元宵夜相邀一起去赏花灯。

Today people still invite others to view lanterns together.

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