


 雅思写作高分技巧: 如何地道的表达 我们都知道雅思写作的要求:语法,词汇,连贯性,诸如此类。我们也受到了很多关于如何达到这些要求的指导:不要有细小的语法错误;运用多样的单词和高级词汇;运用复杂的句型,包括各种从句、倒装句和独立主格结构;注重连词的使用等等。所有这些,只不过是为了让我们在写作上能够多得那么半分或者一分。诚然,词汇、句型和语法都很重要,但是,如果我们仅仅将目光停留在词汇、句型和语法上,写作的高分就永远遥不可及。

 为什么呢?让我们想想雅思是怎样的考试。雅思考试考的是考生在英语国家学习和生活的能力,换言之,一切都是以交流沟通为准则的。雅思 9 分的定义是:像母语者一样地交流。所以,很大程度上说,雅思考的是我们说的、写的够不够像母语者,或者说,够不够地道。




 背单词的时候搞清楚单词的感情色彩、惯用语境以及在其他语境中的替换词。单词与单词是不同的,有些单词有贬义的色彩,而有些单词较为中性。有些单词的出现代表语境比较轻松,而有些单词只在学术文章中才会出现。这种情况在英语中是很普遍的,甚至一个字母的改变都会带来这种差别。例如在英文名字中,ERIC 和 ERIK 发音相同,但是后者更有一些邪恶的意味,所以大家都用前者。



 雅思写作高分技巧 让你的文章亮点不断 思写作高分技巧一:避免使用语言弱的“be”动词 1、在“here”或“there”开头的句子中,把“be”动词后的名词代词变成改写句的主语 例如:

 1) Weak:There is no opportunity for promotion. Revision:No opportunity for promotion exists. 2) Weak:Here are the books you ordered. Revision:The books you ordered have arrived. 2、表语转换为不同的修饰语 例如:

 Weak:The trees are bare. The grass is brown. The landscape seems drab. Revision:The brown grass and bare trees form a drab landscape. (转换为前置定语)

 Or:The landscape, bare and brown, begged for spring green. (转换为并列结构作后置定语) 3、作表语用的形容词或名词变为行为动词 例如:

 1) Weak:The team members are good players. Revision:The team members play well. 2) Weak:One worker"s plan is the elimination of tardiness. Revision:One worker"s plan eliminates tardiness. 雅思写作高分技巧二:表语转化为不同的修饰语 很多烤鸭不明白什么时候用主动,什么被动!用错了,雅思写作分数自然不高!这样做,也是因为这个原因! 例如:

 1、Weak:The organization has been supported by charity. Better:Charity has supported the organization. 2、Weak:The biscuits were stacked on a plate. Better:Mother stacked the biscuits on a plate. 雅思写作高分技巧三:使用具体的动词 比较具体的描写会让文章看起来更有说服力,分数当然能提高啦! 例如:

 1、Poor:My supervisor went past my desk. Better:My supervisor sauntered (=walked slowly) past my desk. 2、Poor:She is a careful shopper. Better:She compares prices and quality. 雅思写作高分技巧四:不要使用语言过长且累赘的词语 写作不是用的词汇越高深就越高分,想提高成绩就要用词简单、生动。


 1、Wordy:My little sister has a preference for chocolate milk. Improved:My little sister prefers chocolate milk.

 2、Wordy:We are in receipt of your letter and intend to follow your recommendations. Improved:We have received your letter and intended to follow your recommendation. 3、Redundant:We had a serious crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire. Improved:We had a crisis at school yesterday when our chemistry laboratory caught fire. 4、Redundant:My sister and I bought the same, identical dress in different stores. Improved:My sister and I bought the same dress in different stores. 雅思写作高分技巧五:避免陈旧词语或难懂的专业术语 雅思是一门语言考试,主要考察烤鸭们的语言运用能力,而写作关键点就在文章的表现力上! 例如:

 1、Weak:They will not agree to his proposals in any shape or form. Improved:They will not agree to any of his proposals. 2、Weak:I need her financial input before I can guesstimate our expenditures next fall. Improved:I need her financial figures before I can estimate our expenditures next fall. 雅思考试写作范文:媒体对观念的影响 The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people"s ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Model Answer:

 The mass media have a powerful influence in shaping our lives. We have come to depend on them for information and entertainment, and in doing so we let them affect important aspects of our lives. The undeniable usefulness of the media in almost instantly providing information about events around the world is largely taken for granted. But in our dependence on the media we have allowed them to mould our notions and opinions of events, places and people. Though few of us probably think about it, our conceptions of, say, our elected officials spring from television images and newspaper stories. Most of us will never meet prime ministers or presidents, but anyone who is regularly exposed to the media will have an opinion of them. When it is time to cast our vote, we will make our decision based on how the media portray the candidates. We are similarly swayed by coverage of wars. The media, representing the values of their owners, societies and governments, tend to report wars with a bias; which is the "good" side and which the "bad" is determined for us by reporters, editors and commentators, and sure enough the public begins to form opinions that reflect the coverage they see, hear and read in the major media. The media are also influential in the way they facilitate the spread of culture and lifestyle. The so-called "global youth culture", in which one finds young people around the world displaying a common interest in music, clothing styles and films, is an example of the media"s enormous sway in this regard. A popular figure such as Michael Jackson would never be so well known were it not for the media"s extensive reach into every society on the globe. Thus I would argue that the mass media"s influence is certainly great. Indeed, with technological advancements such as the Internet bringing

 even more forms of electronic media to our homes and workplaces, it is likely the media"s influence will grow even stronger.

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