【谀词 英语单词大全】 四级英语单词大全


1. 他不轻易感到惊奇,更不容易 Dddtt 恐惧,他用歌谣讥刺迷信,他戳穿谰言妄语,嘲讪神异,对着鬼怪伸舌头,拆垮虚张声势的空架子,丑化歌功颂德的谀词。那并不是因为8 Tt t 8。谀词

He is not easily astonished, he is still less easily terrified, he makes songs on superstitions, he takes the wind out of exaggerations, he twits mysteries, he thrusts out his tongue at ghosts, he takes the poetry out of stilted things, he introduces caricature into epic extravaganzas.

2. 谀词

2. 但那些没有参与这一工程,也没有口出谀词,而是对之嗤之以鼻,嘲弄那些修建者的愚昧的人还保留着神圣的语言。

But the holy tongue remained to those who had neither joined in the project nor praised it, but instead, thoroughly disdaining it, had made fun of the builders"stupidity.

3. 谀词在线翻译

3. 在这道路坎坷、征途艰险的时刻,甘言谀词不能解救我们。

The smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis.

4. 来访问我的人,看见这幅画都说很好,我相信这不会是对于我的谀词。

I believed what they said was not flattering words to me.

5. 谀词的翻译

5. 这些谀词出口的时候好象有些心不在焉精神错乱的样子。

These complimentary expressions were uttered in a somewhat absent and distracted manner.

6. 我觉得他的谀词十分讨厌。

I find his flattery odious.

7. 土地歌的内容主要有三个方面的特点:以谀词博主人欢;地域性;时代性。

The content of TuDi Ge has characteristics of three respects mainly: i flattering host; ii Regional; iii area.

8. 错过谀词天空下高唱的词人李清照。

Miss the adulation of the poet sang sky Li Qingzhao.

9. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

9. 人们会对初创公司的创始人们大献谀词,而像合广投资(UnionSquareVentures)和安德森霍洛维茨公司(Andreessen-Horowitz)这些最早资助Facebook的风投机构的形象也会变得光辉起来。

There will be adulatory profiles of startup founders and VC firms who first backed them – firms like Union Square ventures and andreessen-horowitz.

10. 911查询·英语单词

10. 现在不是歌功颂德的时候。在这道路坎坷、征途艰险的时刻,甘言谀词不能解救我们。

It is no time for adulation. The smoothness of flattery cannot save us, in this rugged and awful crisis.

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