
 斯♥诺♥特卡♥通♥ 埃文·雷切尔·伍德 布赖恩·考克斯 詹姆加纳 克里斯·埃文斯 丹尼·格洛弗 阿曼达·皮特 大卫·克罗斯 丹尼斯·奎德 卢克·威尔逊 编剧 凯瑟琳·吉布森 吉姆·梅 导演 阿瑞斯特曼尼斯·瑟巴斯 塔拉星球之战 云中飞船

 新的云中飞船玩具 Cloud sailers. New toy cloud sailers. 索拉

 图米 Sora. Tumi. 欢迎 Welcome. 罗文

 图米的病还没好 Roven, Tumi"s still sick. 让我们来检查检查 Let"s have a look. -到


  - Present. - Kima? 到 Present. -图鲁

 -到 - Tulo? - Present. -图米

 -到 - Tumi? - Present. 森

  Senn? 森

  Senn? 玛拉



  Mala? 快啊


  Come on, Senn! 你飞这么慢我们怎么比赛啊 It"s only a race if you keep up. 你老是作弊是我的原因吗

  Is it my fault you keep cheating? 我不作弊的 I don"t cheat. 有时候是例外 Not all the time. 玛拉一贯如此 Classic Mala. 太好了

 好吧 Great. All right. 非常有趣


  Very funny. Where are you? 再见

  Bye! 刚才真有趣


 被你骗了 That was really funny. You got me... again. 那是什么声音


  Do you hear that? Is it me? 我想它来自我们的...


  I think it"s coming from right below... us! 看到没

 她也不敢恭维你的飞行技术 See? She doesn"t think much of your flying, either. 真漂亮 Beautiful. 你知道我在想什么吗

  Are you thinking what I"m thinking? 调头回家吗

  Turn around and go home? 嘿




  Hey, Mala? Mala? Probably not a... 风洞

  Wind tunnel! 玛拉


  Mala, pull up! 森


 Senn, throw the anchor! 玛拉

  Mala! 不要


  Come on! Come on! 现在你知道我在想什么吗

  Are you thinking what I"m thinking now? 很明显我们该回去了 "Cause clearly it"s time to go back. 玛拉


  Mala, where are you going? 你疯了吗

  Are you crazy? 玛拉

 你知道这是禁地 Mala, you know this place is forbidden. 刚才的风洞还不够危险吗

  Wasn"t the wind tunnel enough? 还有那个巨大吓人的飞天鲸

  And the huge, crazy sky whale? 你终于恢复理智了 Finally, you"ve come to your senses. 我们现在回去


  Let"s go back now, okay? 森

  Senn? 那是什么

  What is that? 妈妈


  Mom, what"s that? 图米

 到里面去 Tumi, come inside. 一个新的神

  A new god! 天空上有个新的神 A new god in the sky. 回家吧

 长者们会确保大家安全的 Go home. The elders will check on you. 不要停下来 Keep moving. 向前移♥动♥ Move along.

 一切顺利 All is well. 已经开始了 It has begun. 大家都安全吗

  Is everyone safe here? 需要什么吗

  Is there anything that you need? 你认为这是一个神吗

  So, you think it"s a god? 有可能是一块大石头 It could be one of those large rocks. 那种偶尔会从天上掉下来的石头 The kind that fall from the sky from time to time. 长者们说是什么就是什么 It will be whatever the elders tell us it is. 我自己有眼睛 I bet I could see what it is. 我想我有办法看得更仔细 I bet I could make something to help me look closer. 玛拉

 你知道你不能那么做的 Mala, you know that"s forbidden. 为什么

 这又无伤大体 But why? It wouldn"t hurt anybody. 使用长者们没有认可的发明 Inventions that are not approved by the elders 是违背教条的 are against our teachings. 我们的教条或许并不对 Then maybe our teachings are wrong. 玛拉

 回你的房♥间 Mala! Go to your room. 马上 Right now. 就要完工了 Getting closer. 那是什么

  What is that? 不 No. 拉警报

 Sound the alarm! 大家快躲起来

  Everyone, take cover! 玛拉

  Mala? 大家都回室内去 Everyone, get to your homes. 那是什么

  What is that? 玛拉


  Mala! Where are you? 玛拉

  Mala! 出现奇迹了


  It"s a miracle! They are gods! -带我走吧



  - Yes. Take me. - No, wait! 玛拉

  Mala! -在这儿呢


  - Over here! - You see that? -你在哪儿


  - Where are you? - I"m ready! 图米



  Tumi! Tumi, where are you? -我准备就绪了

 -我早就知道这一天会来的 - I am ready! - I knew this day would come. -带我走吧


  - Take me! - Over here! -在这儿


  - Over here! - Over here! 妈妈


  Mommy? Mommy? 妈妈


  Mom, where are you? -不要


  - Oh, no! - Take me! -拜托大家


  - Everyone please! - Where"s my daughter? 玛拉


 父亲 Father. 我过来了



  I"m coming! Father, look out! 别抓他


  No! Please! 放下他

 抓走我 Let him go! Take me! 是我的错


  It"s my fault! Please! 抓走我吧

 在这儿呢 Take me! Over here. 求你了 Please. 好吧 Fine. 我得主动出击 I"ll do it my way. 快呀


 带我走 Come on, take me. Take me. 待在原地别动

  Stay where you are! 离我远点...

  Get away from me... 你个怪物 you monster. 请继续待在室内 Please remain in your homes. 暂时不要外出 Remain in your homes for the time being. 待在室内

  Stay home! 一切都在掌控之中 Everything is under control. 待在室内 Stay home. 你没事吧


  Are you okay? Where"s Roven? 他被神带走了 He was taken by the gods. 求你了



 Please, Doron, we have to help him. 他们不是神 They are not gods. 他们是入侵者

 妄想者 They are invaders, pretenders. 危险的家伙 Dangerous. 我父亲怎么办

  What about my father? 我们怎么把他救回来

  How will we get him back? 我们会竭尽所能的

 玛拉 We will do the best we can, Mala. 但是现在

 请待在屋子里 For now, stay inside. 不要碰那东西

  Don"t touch that! 斯坦顿上尉

 请说话 Lieutenant Stanton, speak to me. 你还好吗

  Are you still operational? 住手



 好了 Stop it. Now, now, now. 没必要诉诸武力 There"s no need for violence. 我们不能好好谈吗

  Can"t we communicate verbally? 你会说我们的语言


  You speak our language? How? 我已经被植入了一些基本程序 I have been programmed with the basic forms 能够使用你们的语言

 是的 of your vernacular, yes. 他会说我们的语言吗

  Does he speak our language? 什么





  What? No. No, no, no. Now listen... 我要跟他说话


  I need to talk to him. Can you teach me his language? 先别急

 他快死了 Priorities first. He"s dying.


 不然恕我爱莫能助 Teach me or I won"t help. 斯坦顿上尉会不高兴的 Lieutenant Stanton won"t like this. 别动

 不要眨眼 Hold still. Now, don"t blink. 我的脑袋 My head. 装满词汇了 It"s full of words. 这是什么语言


  What language is this? How did you do that? 只需下载一些有机数据 A simple organic data download. 好了


 不然他会死的 Now, please, you must help, or he will die. 我从哪儿下手呢

  Where do I begin? 斯坦顿上尉需要氧气 Lieutenant Stanton requires oxygen, 一种气态的化学物质 a gaseous chemical element. 无色


 无味 Colorless, odorless, tasteless. 呼吸全靠它 Vital for respiration. 我们得封闭这个房♥间

 建个空气生成器 We need to seal this room and construct an air generator. 还得找一种聚氧植物 We must identify an oxygen-gathering plant 将其加入生产线 and incorporate it into this assembly. 请尽可能多地搜集这样的植物 Please gather all available plant life. 快些

 他开始窒息了 Hurry. He"s beginning to suffocate. 开始吧 Please initiate the procedure. 我们成功了

  We did it! 搞什么...

 What the... 吉蒂

  Giddy? 我在哪儿

  Where am I? 这个星球居民的家 In a dwelling used by the natives of this world. 我成囚犯了吗

  I"m a prisoner? 我更愿意说是客人 I would say a guest. 那我们不要停留太久了

 帮我联♥系♥地球军 Then let"s not overstay our welcome. Get me Earth Force. 不行

 我的信♥号♥♥发射器坏了 Negative. My transmitter was damaged. 很好



  Great. The ship. How"s my ship? 中子导体烧了

 稳定齿轮断裂了 Neutronic conductor overloaded, stabilizing gears fractured. 还能飞吗

  Yeah. But can she fly? 不能 Negative. 吉蒂

 这是一个塔拉星人 Giddy, it"s one of them. 她的父亲被我们的侦查飞船带走了 This female"s parental unit was taken by our scout ships. 我叫玛拉


  My name is Mala. Can you help me save my father? 它...


  Lt... It speaks our language? 吉蒂教我的 Giddy taught me your language. 你教它的

  You taught it? 嘿


 我从未同意你这样做 Hey, Giddy, I never authorized that. 抱歉

 当时根本无法取得你同意 My apologies, but it was hard for you to issue the proper authorization 因为你正窒息 due to your asphyxiation.



  Are... Are you being sarcastic? 不可能的

 先生 Impossible, sir. 我的程序里根本就没有讽刺一词 That is not a feature of my programming. 营救队来了 A rescue mission. 把我父亲送回来吧


  Bring my father home, please! 斯坦顿上尉

  Lieutenant Stanton! 吉姆

 进来 Jim, come inside. 回来

  Stop! 你的肺所能承受这里气压的时间 Your lungs can only withstand this atmosphere 大约是 27.6 秒 for approximately 27.6 seconds. -快

 -会有一点点出入 - Hurry! - Give or take. -我无法呼吸了

 -不 - I can"t breathe. - Oh, no. 不

  No! 等等


  Hold on! I"m coming! 等等

  Hold on! 不

  No! 快 Come on. 快 Come on. 玛拉

 坚持住 Mala, hold on. 我来了 Help is on its way. 吉蒂


 Giddy, pull! 请原谅他

 他是受到了惊吓 Please, forgive him. He is frightened. 我吓到他了吗

  I scare him? 任何异常都会吓到他们 Everything different scares them. 他们本就不该离开自己的家园 They should"ve never left home. 很遗憾

 他们是别无选择才离开的 I regret to say they have no choice. 这是他们原来的星球...

 地球 This was their world... Earth, 这个星球资源丰富...

  a planet of plenty... 但不是取之不尽的 but not without its limits. 最后

 人类耗光了 Eventually, humans exhausted 他们的自然资源 their world"s natural resources. 两个相邻星球...


  Two neighboring planets... Mars and Venus... 被仿造成地球 were terraformed. 接着殖民地建立了 Colonies were established. 两个世纪后

 殖民地要求独♥立♥ Two centuries later, the colonies demanded independence. 这意味着战争 It meant war. 战争 War. 三个星球都被摧毁 All three planets were destroyed. 一切都灰飞烟灭 Everything was destroyed. 幸存者只有一个选择 The survivors had only one choice: 游历到太阳系以外 To travel beyond their solar system

 寻找最近的可以生存的星球 to the nearest life-supporting planet they could find. 旅程持续了好几代人

 然后他们来到了这儿 The journey lasted several generations and led them here. 他们把这个星球命名为塔拉 They named this planet Terra. 你们的家园? Your home? 是你做的

 给我? You made this? For me? 同步旋转

 在焦点处平衡 Synchronous rotations, balance in the focal points. 这做的真不错


  This is really good. Where did you learn to do this? 我所做的只是将碎片拼接起来

 凭感觉而已 All I did was put the pieces together. They felt right. 你真有天赋 You"re a natural. 同步旋转 Synchronous rotations. 稳定齿轮断裂

  Stabilizing gears fractured! 你可以...

  You can... 帮我修飞船 Help me repair the ship, 然后我会带你去找你父亲 and I"ll take you to your father. 成交

  Deal? 根据我程序里面的全息蓝图 According to my holographic blueprint, this device meets... 这个装置基本可以进行太空旅行 all required specifications for space travel, approximately. 虽然不是用钛做的 Well, it"s not exactly titanium, 但如果够牢固 but if this thing holds, 我就可以回家了 I can go home. 记得吗


 Remember, we have a deal. 这是什么? What is this? 生命仪式 The Ceremony of Life. 为了感谢生命赋予我们的一切 We thank life for what it brings. 甚至感谢生命带给你们战争吗

  Even if it brings you war? 地球军在我 8 岁的时候就招我入队 Earth Force recruited me when I was eight. 他们招募了"诺亚方舟"上的所有孩子 They recruit every kid on the Ark. 强化训练

 肉搏 Intensive training, hand-to-hand combat, 模拟飞行 flight simulation. 随时待命

 全天候作战准备 Be prepared, always on the ready. 是最好的

 最出色的最后防御 The best, the finest, the last line of defense. 你不会明白的 You wouldn"t understand. 你只知道和平 You only know peace. 森 Senn. -你干什么...

 -我必须见你 - What are you... - I had to see you. 你闭门不出已经一个礼拜了


  You"ve locked yourself up for a week. What"s going on? -嗯


 我理解你的心情 - Huh? - Look, I know how you must feel. -但是我想你了

 -我也想你 - But I miss you. - I miss you, too. 我只是...


 请走吧 I just... I need a little time. Please go. 玛拉



  Mala, the Ceremony of Life started. Are we still going together? 那是什么声音? What"s that noise?



 等等 - Did you make a new toy for Tuki? - Senn, wait. 我知道你在做东西 I knew you were working on something. -玛拉





  - Mala, run! - Stop! Stop! You"re killing him! -我杀了他...


  - I"ll take him... - No! 我没事了 I"m okay now. -请听着


  - Please, listen. - It"s one of them! 我知道

  I know. 什么

 你知道? What? You know? -我们不能让他走


  - We can"t let him go. - He"s my friend! -他会出♥卖♥♥♥我们的


  - He"ll betray us. - That"s enough! 玛拉



  Mala, what... what have you done? 他说他会救我的父亲 He said he would save my father. 森 Senn. 森

  Senn! 她保护了我们

 吉蒂 She protected us, Giddy. 她不惜违背自己的立场来替我们辩护 She defended us against her own kind. "她"吗

  "She"? 你说的是"她"

 不是"它" You said "she," not "it." 我们必须离开这


 带着一群帮手 We have to go. He"ll be back... with company. -出什么事了


 -是玛拉 - What"s wrong, Senn? - It"s Mala. 是玛拉


 It"s Mala. She"s protecting one of them. 有个入侵者在她家里 There"s one of those invaders in her house. 他们刚才还在这儿 They were just here. 那是她做的吗

  Did she build that? 我相信是她做的

 搜一下屋子 I believe she did. Search the home. 把他们找出来 Find them. 嘿

 警报解除了 Hey, all clear. 长者们说很久以前 The elders say a long time ago, 我们脱离自然界 we were apart from nature. 差点灭亡 We almost died. 但是现在我们回归到自然界 But now we"re together, 永远生存下去 forever, in life. 太迷人了 Fascinating. 天上那些大家伙是什么


  What are those big things up in the sky, Mom? 看

  Look! 玛拉

  Mala! 停火


  Stop it! I"m over here! 停火

  Cease fire! 见鬼


  Damn it! Stop! 不要开火


  Hold your fire! I"m over here! 为什么


  Why? Why are they doing this?


 他们不该这样的 I don"t know. It wasn"t supposed to be this way. 你确信是这个地方吗

  Are you sure this is the place? 就在这儿 It was right here. 雪层下面的足迹表明我们的飞船 Traces under the recent snow layer suggest our craft 被转移了位置 has been relocated from its position. 有人搬走了它 Someone took it. 玛拉



  Mala, come on! Keep up! 奇怪 Strange. 这个地方让我毛骨悚然 This whole place kind of gives me the creeps. 好像越来越奇怪了 The strangeness is increasing. 这都是些什么

  What is all this? 斯坦顿上尉

 所有征兆表明这儿有活动的迹象 Lieutenant Stanton, all signs indicate the trail leads through there. 那些是云中飞船...


  Those cloud sailers... what are they doing? 毋庸置疑

 它们不是在庆祝生命 Not celebrating life, that"s for sure. 战争 War. 我猜我们两个物种的相似之处

 超过了我们的想象 I guess our species have more in common than we thought. 嘿

 过来 Hey, come on. -我们去哪儿

 -搭个便车 - Where are we going? - Hitching a ride. 好的

 我的宝贝飞船在那儿 All right! There"s my baby. 他们好像在研究飞船是怎么运作的 Looks like they"re trying to figure out how it works. 驾驶室是锁着的


 Cockpit"s still locked, though, so we got a chance to... 吉姆...

  Jim... 放下你们的武器

 你们被包围了 Put down your weapon. You"re surrounded. 不是吧 Oh, no. -停住




  - Stop! Back off, or I"ll kill her! - Jim! -吉姆

 -配合一下 - Jim! - Play along. 不


  No! What are you doing? -吉姆



  - Jim! - Giddy, now! -来了



  - On my way. - No! Let me go! 我说了给我退后

  I said get back! 得了


 他们看不到你了 Come on, Mala. They can"t see you. -不要打了

 -你说你要杀了我 - You can stop fighting now. - You said you"d kill me. 演戏而已

 玛拉 It was just an act, Mala. 我假装的

 我不会伤害你的 I was just pretending. I wouldn"t hurt you. 真的 Honestly. 拦住他

  Stop him! -快



 -来了 - Hurry, Giddy! Hurry! - Coming. 开舱 Open the hatch. 谢谢 Thank you. 你可以的


 发动起来 You can do it. Come on. Hold it together. 快啊


 快啊 Come on, baby. Come on.



 一点用也没有 - Not good? - No. Very not good. -什么...

 -噢 - What the... - Uh-oh. -启动了没


 就差点火了 - Time to go? - Come on. Just one spark. 好的


  All right! There we go! 吉蒂

 我们要回家了 Come on, Giddy. We"re going home. 抓紧了


 会很颠簸的 Hold tight, okay? This could be a bumpy ride. 你们的人...


  Your people... they made this? 是的

 你不要被漂亮的外观蒙住 Yeah. Don"t let her looks fool you. 她不耐用 She hasn"t aged too well. 控制中心

 我是詹姆斯·斯坦顿上尉 Central Control, this is Lieutenant James Stanton. 请求着陆 Requesting permission to land. 斯坦顿上尉 Lieutenant Stanton. 很高兴你终于回来了 Nice of you to finally find your way back to us. 只是短暂离开一下

 如此而已 Just had myself some shore leave, that"s all. 你可以降落在 A 甲板 You"re cleared for landing in Deck A. 警报


  Alert! Alert! C 甲板在降压

  We have depressurization on Deck C! 封闭舱门


  Seal the hatches! Hull breach! 不

 不要 No. Not again. 欢迎来到我的世界 Welcome to my world. 打开驾驶舱的防护罩

 Activate cockpit shield. 等等

 玛拉 Hold on, Mala. 你得待在这儿


 这样不安全 You have to stay here, okay? It"s not safe. 吉姆


  Jim, I didn"t come all this way to hide. 我要找到我父亲 I have to find my father. 我能理解

 我发誓我会带你去见他的 I understand. I"ll take you to him, I promise. 但是你得相信我

 我会马上回来 But you have to trust me. I"ll be right back. 请尽量不要碰任何东西

 玛拉 Please try not to touch anything, Mala. 你坠机后是怎么活下来的

  How did you survive your crash? 飞船坠毁后我醒来时发现自己被救了...

  After my ship went down, I woke up to find I"d been rescued and... 被谁

  By whom? 一个本土居民 A native. 这个本土居民有敌意吗

  Are the natives hostile? 没有 No. 他们有武器吗

  Do they have weapons? 是的 Yes. 尖端武器吗

  Advanced weapons? 他说"马上回来的" "I"ll be right back," he says. 为什么不在这


  Oh, no! Mala! 嘿



 兄弟 Hey, Jim. I missed you, bro. 斯图尔特 Stewart.

 我以为你生还无望了 I thought you were a goner. 得了

 我的命大着呢 Come on. It takes more than one rough landing to kill me. 爸妈会为你自豪的 Mom and Dad would be really proud of you. 你现在是焦点人物了

 吉姆 You"re the man of the hour, Jim. 我是说

 甚至海莫将军都想见你 I mean, even General Hemmer wants to meet you. 海莫

  Hemmer? 死了 12 个 12 dead. 一打的数量了 A dozen human beings. 安全保障 One tarnished, worn-out security seal 形同虚设...

  way past its recall date, and gone... 2 个精英的生命 12 valuable, productive lives. 我们还要等多长时间

  How much longer do we have to wait 死亡已经离我们越来越近了 while this tomb crumbles around us? 这个议会什么时候才可以授权我 When will this council give me the authority 完成必须做的事情

  to do what must be done? 你的计划无非是要征服塔拉星球...

  Your plan calls for nothing less than the conquest of Terra... 那是一个外星世界

 已经有生命居住了 an alien world, an occupied world. 我的计划

 总统先生 My plan, Mr. President, 是唯一可以拯救我们人类的办法 is the only way to salvage our species. 我们快灭亡了 We are dying. 我们是人类延续的最后希望

 We are the last relics of humanity. 未来寄托在我们身上 The future depends on us. 如果重蹈覆辙

 那我们将功败垂成 We will have no future if we repeat the mistakes of the past. 我们有高科技和强大的火力 We have superior technology and firepower, 不可摧毁的防御 impenetrable defenses. 错误不会再上演 The mistake would be not to act. 你的计划可以考虑

 将军 Your plan"s under consideration, General. 我们投票决定 We will vote on it. 投票


 他们却要投票 Vote! I ask for action, they vote. 不要指望那些文官了

 长官 What can we expect from civilians, sir? 你是个很好的士兵

 斯图尔特 You"re a good soldier, Stewart, 你的兄弟是战斗英雄 and, I understand, a brother of a war hero. 谢谢


 但我不是英雄 Thank you, sir, but I"m no hero. 稍息

 中卫 At ease, Lieutenant. 你是这次战斗中第一个表现突出的人 You"re the first man to distinguish himself in this conflict. 恭喜你 Congratulations. 我注意你有一段时间了 I"ve had my eye on you for a while. 詹姆斯·斯坦顿

 第 32 空降师 James Stanton, 32nd Airborne. 第 32 空降师还剩几个人

  How many left in the 32nd? 8 个

 先生 Eight, sir. 多一个就能组棒球队了 One short of a baseball team.

 让我猜猜其他人怎么死的 Let me guess. 氧气泄露

 燃料管道故障 Oxygen leaks, faulty fuel lines. 发动机故障

  Engine failure? 不想再看到战友无端死去了吧

  Tired of watching comrades die for nothing? 我们奋斗太久了

 塔拉星球是我们的归宿 We"ve come a long way. Terra is our prize. 这是悬挂在宇宙中的至宝 A jewel hanging in space. 它有真正的水


 有陆地 It has real water, not that chemical junk, and ground. 我很想有朝一日能够踏上这片土地 God, I"d like to feel steady ground under my feet one day. "诺亚方舟"上出生的孩子

 从未看到过一片草叶 Kids born on the Ark have never seen a blade of grass 也没听到过鸟儿歌♥唱 or heard a bird sing. 你碰到敌人了吗

  Have you met the enemy? 我碰到了塔拉人


 长官 I have encountered the native Terrians, yes, sir. 他们长什么模样

  What are they like? 他们是一种很有意思的生物

 先生 They"re an interesting species, sir. 他们生活平静且很有智慧 They"re peaceful and they"re intelligent. 他们的生活充斥着艺术和音乐 Their lives are filled with art and music. 我是说


  I meant, can they fight? 他们当然不能用水彩画来攻击我们


  They"re not going to hit us with paintings, are they? -我觉得他们会反抗的


 -好 - I believe they can fight, sir. - Good. 那么他们会以死为荣 Then they"ll die with honor. 吉蒂

 Giddy. 不要怕

 我会把你弄出去的 Don"t be afraid. I"ll get you out of here. 玛拉 Mala. 父亲

  Father! 父亲

 对不起 Father, I"m so sorry. 我要救你离开这儿 I"m gonna get you out of here. 嘿


  Hey! A floater! 我是海莫将军


  This is General Hemmer. Report. 我们在 D 区发现个塔拉人

 长官 We have a Terrian floater in Section D, sir. 玛拉 Mala. 抓住她

  Get her! 我爱你 I love you. 父亲


  Father! Father! 父亲


  Father, no! 这就是塔拉人 Here is your proof that Terrians 不友好和凶残的证据 are a hostile, murderous species. 又牺牲了两个人类 Two more human lives lost. 根据斯坦顿上尉的汇报 According to Lieutenant Stanton"s report, 这个塔拉人在寻找它的父亲 the Terrian was seeking its parent, 一个被劫持者 one of the abductees. 命中注定如此 The lines have been drawn.


 他们是外星人 We are human, they are alien. 不要胳膊肘往外拐 Do not take sides against your own species. 将军

 我们还有其它选择 General, our species has other options. 我们要先探测和思考一下 We need time to explore, to think, 不要轻率行动...

  before we rush headlong into... 我们没时间了 We have no more time. 我一直耐心地等待议会采取行动 I have waited patiently for this council to act, 但是我们的人♥民♥不会愿意

  but our people are tired of dying... 在这个腐朽的"诺亚方舟"内等死 in the rotting hull of this ark! 所以

 我现在下达命令 Therefore, I am assuming command. 议会解散了 The council is hereby dissolved. 你没有这个权利


  You do not have the authority, General! 我的功过

 就让后人来评判吧 If I sin, let future generations judge me. 但请注意

 没有我 But mark this: Only thanks to me 就不会有我们的后人 will there be any future generations. 嘿




  Hey, Jim, where you going, man? -这样不对


  - This is wrong. - Wrong? -海莫将军说...


  - General Hemmer says... - How can you follow him? -我们是士兵

 -我服从长官的命令 - We"re soldiers. - I obey my commanding officer. 我们应该服从议会 Hey, we obey the council. 斯坦顿上尉


 Lieutenant Stanton, I would like you to join the attack force. 尊敬的长官

 我拒绝 Respectfully, sir, I refuse. 你是我们的唯一的战斗英雄 You"re our only war hero. 你有义务做出典范 It"s your duty to lead the way. 我和塔拉人相处过

 长官 I lived with the Terrians, sir. 他们和我们的相似之处超乎你的想象 They"re more like us than you can imagine. 如果我和你说实话你会改变主意吗

  Would it change your decision if I told you 在"诺亚方舟"上的空气

 只够维持两个月了 we only have air on the Ark for another two months? 这是人类的最后希望...

 地形改造器 This is mankind"s last hope... the terraformer. 目前


 "诺亚方舟"提供足够的氧气 Currently, it provides sufficient oxygen for the Ark. 一旦登陆塔拉星球地面 Once rooted in Terra"s surface, 它会在 7 天内

 将这个星球转化为可呼吸的地方 it will convert the planet to breathable air within seven days. 7 天

 吉姆 Seven days, Jim. 好像是《圣经》上的事一样


  Very Biblical, don"t you think? "诺亚方舟"只剩几个星期的空气了 The Ark will have residual air left for several more weeks, 但在空气耗尽之前 but within that timeframe, 我们可以赢得一个属于我们的星球 we will have won ourselves a planet. 塔拉人怎么办

  What about the Terrians? 关闭全息摄影 End hologram. 什么

  What? 有人吗? Hello?


  Mala! 有人吗? Hello? 这个外星人看不到也听不到我们

 不要担心 The alien cannot see or hear us. Don"t worry. 里面的空气加过压

 适合塔拉人 The air is pressurized for Terrian atmosphere. 现在它可以呼吸 It can breathe. 但是人进去就不行了 A human, however, cannot. 有人吗? Anybody there? 你好

  Hello? 斯图尔特

  Stewart? 吉姆在哪儿


  Where"s Jim? Do you know who Jim is? -我们在哪儿


  - Where are we? - Stewart! -我无法呼吸


  - I can"t breathe. - Somebody help me! -为什么


 孩子 - Why? - A test, son. 这是终极试验


  The ultimate test. Whose side are you on? 请说话

  Please, say something! 收手吧


  Stop! You"re killing him! 不

 是你在谋杀他 No. You are. 按一下那个红色按钮

 你就可以救他了 Press that red button, and you can save him. 你可以启动地球化程序 A demonstration of the terraforming technique will commence. 你的兄弟将可以呼吸 Your brother will breathe. 而这个塔拉人则不行

 The Terrian will not. 你好



  Hello! Somebody, please help! 一定还有其他办法的 There"s gotta be another way. 别无他法

 选择我们还是它们 There isn"t. Us or them. -有人吗


 -决定吧 - Somebody, he"s suffocating! - Decide. 我无法呼吸 I can"t breathe. 救命呀

  Somebody, please help! 离我远点

  Get away from me! 怎么了

  What"s happening? 救命


  Help! I can"t breathe! 救命

  Help! 我无法呼吸 I can"t breathe! 我无...

  I c... 吉蒂

 救救玛拉 Giddy, save Mala. 确认命令

  Confirm order. 救救玛拉 Save Mala. 那个机器人在做什么

  What"s that robot doing? -奥特姆



  - Otham. Cotters. - Get down! 玛拉

 你的呼吸器 Mala, your respirator. 吉蒂 Giddy. 往这边 This way.



  - Mala. - You? 对不起 I"m sorry. 玛拉

 快 Mala, hurry. -吉蒂...

 -跟着我 - Giddy... - Follow me. -在那边

 -这条路安全一点 - Over there! - This way has a far lower mortality rate. 拦住他们

  Stop "em! 玛拉




  Mala, use the control stick. Fire missiles... now! 导弹来了

  Incoming missiles! 玛拉

 保持镇定 Mala, stay calm. 我们下降得太快

  We"re falling too fast! 做好弹出的准备 Prepare to eject. 玛拉

 抓住我的尾巴 Mala, grab onto my tail. 别松开 Oh, no! 嘿

 是时候归队了 Hey. About time you joined us. 既然你醒了


 我真不知道该说些什么 Although, now that you"re awake, um, I don"t really know what to say. 我不该告诉多伦你家有入侵者 I never should"ve told Doron about the invader. 玛拉


  Mala, you"re my best friend, 我应该相信你的 and I should"ve trusted you. 我很抱歉 I"m sorry. 我也很抱歉 I"m sorry, too. 吉蒂在哪儿

 Where"s Giddy? 和你在一起的那个生物吗 The creature you were with? 它已经是长者们的战俘了 It"s being held captive by the elders. 我要救他 I have to save him. 我不允许你那样做 I"m afraid I can"t allow that. 他是敌人的工具 He"s a tool of the enemy. 我不能释放他

 但可以带你去见他 I can"t release him, but I can take you to him. 这是什么地方

  What is this place? 是我们的过去或许还是我们的未来 Our past and possibly our future. 战船

  Warships? 我们几乎毁灭了我们自己 We came close to destroying ourselves. 一小部分幸存者组成了长者队 A small group of survivors formed the eldership. 他们发过誓要保守过去的秘密 They vowed to keep the past a secret 并且创建一个和平的未来 and build a peaceful future. 但受到攻击时

 即便最软弱的生命也会自卫 But even gentle beings must defend themselves when attacked. 我们一直在关注着那些新来的人类 We"ve been watching the newcomers, 但我们对他们的计划或意图一无所知 but we know nothing of their plans or intentions. 你是唯一一个

 去了他们那儿又能回来的塔拉人 You"re the only one who has been inside and returned. 不

 我不是唯一的 No, I"m not the only one. 救命 Please, help. -吉蒂


  - Giddy! - Honestly!


  What are you doing to him? 只有解剖才能弄清楚它如何运行 We must dissect it to see how it works. -天哪


 是他救了我的命 - Oh, dear. - He is my friend. He saved my life. 实际上

 是斯坦顿上尉救的你 Actually, Lieutenant Stanton saved your life. -他命令我保护你


  - He ordered me to protect you. - Jim? -我必须要说



  - I must say, this is not very pleasant. - Leave him alone! 我们需要了解敌人的力量和数量 We need information on the enemy"s strength and numbers. 这个机器或许能给我们答案

  This machine might hold the answer. 那就问他

 别折磨他 So ask him, don"t torture him. 你愿意帮我们吗

  Will you help us? 我不能 I cannot. 地球军创造了我 Earth Force created me. 吉姆命令你保护我 Jim commanded you to protect me. -你想违抗命令吗

 -不想 - Will you disobey his orders? - Negative. 如果地球军入侵

 他们会破坏这个星球上的一切 But if Earth Force invades, they"ll destroy all life on this world, 包括我 including me. 的确如此 Affirmative. 所以保护我的唯一方法就是

  So the only way to protect me is... 帮我们打败地球军 to help us defeat Earth Force. 如果...



  Well, if... Mala, l... 斯坦顿上尉...

 Lieutenant Stanton... 你的逻辑很复杂

 很难计算 Your logic is tricky, difficult to compute. 我会保护你 I will protect you. 吉姆

 刚刚很抱歉 Hey, Jim, look, I"m sorry about what happened 但是海莫说...

  in the enviro-chamber, but Hemmer said... 你怎么到现在还在替他说话

  How can you defend him, even now? 他说这是唯一一个 He said it was the only way 可以测试你忠诚与否的方法 that we could be sure of your loyalties. 长官

  Sir! 是我不对

 长官 My apologies, sir. 我想在我被俘期间那些塔拉人 I believe the Terrian must have reprogrammed my robot 一定已经给我的机器人洗过脑了 during our captivity. 如你所说

 它们很有意思 Like you said, interesting species. 充满惊喜 Full of surprises. 我们也准备了不少惊喜 We"ve got a few surprises up our sleeve, too. 你已入选地球化战役了

 中尉 You"re on the terraforming campaign, Lieutenant. -那是命令

 -遵命 - That"s an order. - Sir! 我不知道你在塔拉星球经历了什么 I don"t know what happened to you on Terra, 但这是战争 but this is war, 我需要你的支持 and I"d feel a lot better knowing you had my back. 我一直都在你这边

 孩子 I"ve always looked out for you, kid.

 我会一如既往 I always will. 问题是


  Question is, will Hemmer? 外星人呼吸的东西叫氧 The aliens breathe something called oxygen, 所以我们的大气对他们来说是有毒的 so our atmosphere is poisonous to them. 我们必须先下手...

  We must strike early while we... 地形改造器在此着陆 And that"s where the terraformer should land. 氧分子可以迅速传播 The formations of oxygen can spread more rapidly 到塔拉人的居住中心

 从而压制住它们 to the native population centers, neutralizing them. 这两处的空气过滤器 Air filters here and here 可以将你们的大气转化成氧气...

  can alter your atmosphere into oxygen... 在敌人袭击地形转换器之前 Before the enemy can strike the terraformer, 我们必须全力以赴摧毁它们的空军 we must engage and destroy their primitive aerial attack force. 地球军的诸位士兵 Men and women of Earth Force, 地球人的未来

 完全掌握在你们手中 you hold the entire future of our species in your hands. 兄弟姐♥妹♥们♥ Brothers and sisters, 我们为生存而战 we are engaged in a struggle for survival. 不只是为我们自己

 而是为了我们整个世界 Not only our own, but for our world. 这个星球上所有生命的命运

 就取决于我们了 Every living being on our planet depends on us. 如果我们失败了

 就辜负了他们的期望 If we fail, we fail them, too. 你们接下来几小时的行动 Your actions over the next few hours 要么会给我们赢来一个新的家园

 will either win ourselves a new home 要么让我们走向灭亡 or doom us to extinction. 我相信...

 我必须相信 I believe... I must believe 在我们最黑暗的时刻 that in our darkest hour, 我们优良的品性将会使我们更加强劲...

  the very qualities which made us great will make us strong... 爱和宽容将会再次战胜仇恨和暴♥力♥ that love and mercy can triumph over hate and violence once more. 要忠诚

 要勇敢 Be loyal, be brave. 铭记你们是谁和为何而战...

  Remember who you are and what you fight for... 塔拉

  Terra! 到了那里自己要小心

  Hey, take care of yourself up there. 你也是

 吉姆 You, too, Jim. -准备好了吗


 还没呢 - Are you ready? - No, not really. 还击

  Return fire! 击中了

  Down! 塔拉人用的的是新式飞船

 还有更具威力的武器 The Terrians are flying new ships with more pow...

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