

 我来了 I got you. I got you. 快

 上 Come on. Go. 别

 别再靠近了 No. No closer than that. 别再靠近了 No closer than that. 是啊

 我说不好 Yeah, I don"t know. 凯蒂明显是跟别人好上了 Katie apparently is like seeing somebody else, 但这其实是件好事 but it"s actually a good thing, 因为我不想到那边后分心 "cause I don"t want any distractions when I go over there. 我得保持专注


 这是我的机会 I need to be focused, you know? This is my chance. 你还有烟吗 You got any more of those? 妈看见你抽烟就惨了 If Mom sees you, she"s... 妈看见咱俩谁抽烟都很惨 If Mom sees either of us. 安迪

 我... Look, Andy, I just... 我想让你知道我为你感到骄傲

 好吗 I want you to know I"m proud of you, okay? 投身于这样的事业 Being a part of something like this 是很了不起的 is a tremendous thing. 布里格曼 你好啊

 布里格曼 What"s up, Briggman? 你好啊

 瑞本 What"s up, Rayburn? 你现在对我动心了

 是不是 You"re attracted to me right now, aren"t you? 有一点吧 A little bit, yeah. 改编自真实事件 你可以走了 You"re good.


 2009 年 在车管所工作大概就像这样吧 So this is what it"s like to work at the DMV. 我们三天前就检查了这些家伙 We did these guys like three days ago. 上周也检查了

 也是这些家伙 Last week too, same fucking guy. 中尉让我们做全套生物特征识别 LT wants us to check full biometrics. 还要采集口腔内膜样本 Get cheek swabs too. 反正最后都得放走这些干羊的家伙 We"re just going to let these goatfuckers go anyway. 我们又不能逮捕或者毙了他们 We can"t arrest nobody, we can"t fuckin" shoot nobody. 把手举起来


 举起来 Arms up. Come on, arms up. 他在说什么 What is he saying? 别动

 别逼我使用武力 Stop! Don"t make me use force. 老天爷

 布里格曼 For God"s sakes, Briggman. 好了

 别笑了 Alright, that"s enough! 布里格曼 Briggman. 我说了

 别笑了 I said, that"s enough! 你戴着这玩意看起来像终结者 You look like the fucking Terminator in these things. 你这样会把这些人吓死的 You"ll scare the daylights out of these people. 还有你 And you. 看那边

 看到那些孩子了吗 Look there. See them kids? 把右手举起来 Raise your right hand. 重复左右摆动的动作 Move it repeatedly in a side-to-side motion. 现在露出微笑 Now smile. 没错


 That"s right. Wave and smile. 挥手和微笑 Wave and smile. 看到赢得人心有多容易了吗 You see how easy this hearts and minds shit is? 我感觉自己像个舞会皇后 I feel like a goddamn prom queen. 你♥他♥妈♥说什么呢

 瑞本 Fuck you say, Rayburn? -没什么


 -我想也是 - Nothin", Staff Sergeant. - That"s what I thought. 我现在要去那边给那些孩子们一些糖果 Now I"mma go over there and give those kids some candy. 你们知道为什么吗 You know why? 因为我是个王子 Because I"m a goddamn prince. 你们好 A salaam alaikum... 杀戮部队 燧发枪前沿作战基地 三周后 你听说这件破事了吗 Did you hear this bullshit about 我们明天要去做安保工作 us having to do some security detail tomorrow? 和当地的长老坐在一起什么的 Sit down with the local elder leaders or some shit? 又一次接触关键领袖吗 Another KLE? 指持续努力于与当地官员建立专业联♥系♥以换取其合作 我发誓

 中尉喝的茶比狗屁伊拉莎白女王还多 I swear to God, the LT drinks more tea than Queen Fucking Elizabeth. 如果华♥莱♥士♥上士现在能看到我们 If Sergeant Wallace could see us now, 他肯定会笑死的

 对吧 he"d be laughin" his ass off, huh? 好吧


 所以... Yeah, well, he"s not, so... 南北战争 《南北战争》

 有意思 The Civil War. Interesting. 早上好

 上士 Morning, Sergeant.


 -是 - This everybody? - Hooah. 我是迪克斯上士 My name is Staff Sergeant Deeks. 你们有些人可能以为我是来取代华♥莱♥士♥上士的 Some of you may think I"m here to replace Sergeant Wallace. 我在部队待得够久

 知道有些人无法取代 I"ve been around long enough to know you don"t just replace a man. 我是来领导你们的

 很简单 I"m here to lead, plain and simple. 我经历了三次派遣 I"ve got three combat tours under my belt. 行动迅速

 毫不含糊 I move fast, I don"t fuck around. 希望你们也一样 I expect the same from all of you. 上士 Sergeant. 这是关于明天行动的简报 Brief for tomorrow"s mission. -都是平常的破事

 -是吗 - It"s the usual bullshit. - Oh, yeah? 我们执勤热得汗如雨下 We stand around sweating our balls off, 而中尉却在和一些老家伙喝茶 LT drinks tea with some old dudes. -没错

 -是啊 - Exactly. - Yeah. -你叫库姆斯



 上士 - Coombs, is it? - Yes, sergeant. 你可以走了 You"re dismissed. 你可以走了 You"re dismissed. 回去喝酒去吧 Go back to your hooch. 这是我们的任务 This is our mission. 引爆俄式未爆♥炸♥弹的手♥机♥引爆器 Cell phone trigger wired to Russian UXO. 制♥作♥这些的人必须 Whoever"s making these has to answer for 为过去十二个月里二十四名美国士兵的死负责 the deaths of 24 American soldiers in the past 12 months.

 这些杂种 Now, these motherless fucks 就藏在这里

 藏在我们的作战区域 are holed up right here, in our AO. 我们一天找不到他们 And every day we don"t find them 就可能导致未来某天一名美国士兵被炸成碎片 is another day an American soldier could come home in pieces. 比如华♥莱♥士♥上士 Just like Sergeant Wallace did. 谁想有所作为 Who wants to make a difference? 这不是反问句 That"s not a rhetorical question. 谁他妈想有所作为 Who wants to make a fucking difference? 我 Hooah! 很好 Good. 我们做个约定 I"m gonna make you a deal. 你们对我忠诚 You give me your loyalty 我就保证你们每个人 and I guarantee that each and every one you 都有机会成为一名战士 will have a chance to be a warrior, 真正有所作为 to actually do something out here, 青史留名 to be a part of history 而不是做个旁观者 instead of reading about it in some book. 你在干什么 What are you doing? 建立关系

 上士 Relationship building, Sergeant. 别这么干

 村庄很不可靠 Don"t do that. Village is shady as fuck. 收到

 上士 Roger that, Sergeant. 先生们

 我们是来做什么的 So, gentlemen, what"s the play?

 展示强大的武力 Put on a strong show of force. -展示武力


 长官 - Show of force? - Yes, sir. 他是认真的吗 Is he serious? 我不知道他从哪学的

 上士 I don"t know where he gets this shit, Sergeant. 你打过猎吗

 布里格曼 Ever been hunting, Briggman? 我爸带我打过

 他以前是海军陆战队的 Yeah, my dad used to take me, he was in the Marines. -是吗

 -是的 - Oh, yeah? - Yeah. 他参加过作战派遣吗 Any combat tours? 没有

 他是文职人员 No, he worked a desk. 挺好

 所以当你的文职爸爸发现一只鹿时 Cool. So when your desk-job dad spotted a buck, 他会开四驱车过去吗 did he roll up in his four-by-four? 不会

 这样会把猎物吓跑的 No, that would scare away the animals. 布里格曼

 跟着我 Briggman, you"re with me. 早上好


 你在干什么呢 Good morning, shitbird. What are you up to? 你这是要干什么 What are you doing? 建立关系 Relationship building. 我♥操♥ Holy shit! 在他瞄准我们之前赶紧走 Let"s move before he figures out how to aim. 有人准备好来点乐子了吗 Who"s ready to have some fun? 威普勒


 检查后屋 Weppler, Coombs, secure the back room! 他说屋里没有枪手 He says there"s is no shooter. 布里格曼

 把他绑起来 Briggman, restrain that man!

 请趴下 Please, please get on the floor. 先生

 趴下 Sir, on the floor! 布里格曼

 你来控制 Briggman, you"re in control! 趴下 Get on the floor! 趴下 Get on the floor! 快他妈趴... Get on the fucking...! 别他妈起来 Stay the fuck down! 刚才干得不错

 布里格曼 Good work back there, Briggman. 我拿出了一枚眩晕手榴弹 So I take this stun grenade... 拔开拉环

 扔进洗手间 and I pop it... and I drop it in the stall. 砰的一声 Bang! 布兰登

 这个可怜的家伙 Brendan, the poor fucking bastard, 从洗手间里出来

 喊着"天啊" he comes out the stall screaming: "Jesus Christ!" "天啊" "Jesus Christ!" 就在这时

 宪兵来了 And that"s, like exactly when the MPs rolled up, 把他铐上了

 因为他们以为他疯了 and they put cuffs on him because they thought he"d gone Section 8. 上士 Sergeant... 谁来了

 爸爸 Who"s that, Daddy? -我的一位新朋友

 -他叫什么 - This is one of my new friends. - What"s his name? 我叫什么

 我是布里格曼技术军士 My name? I"m Specialist Briggman. 我叫安德鲁 My name"s Andrew. 这位叫安德鲁的新朋友 My new friend Andrew here

 有些重要的事情要告诉爸爸 has some very important news for Daddy. 所以我得挂了 Which means I gotta go now. 但我明天会打给你的

 好吗 But I"ll call you tomorrow, okay? 可以吗

 伙计 Is that okay, buddy? 好


 我对你的爱直到天荒 Okay, Dad. I love you to the moon. 和地老

 再见 And back again. "Bye. 抱歉冲进来打扰了你

 上士 Sorry to barge in like this, Sergeant. 我根据时间和地点整了一份简易炸♥弹♥袭击的表 I put together a list of IED attacks by date and location. 你怎么没和你的战友们一起抽大♥麻♥ Why aren"t you smoking hash with the rest of your squad? 等等


 我什么都不知道 Wait, what? I don"t know anything about that. 你不知道我在说什么吗 You don"t know what I"m talking about? 停车场里那辆烟从舱门里飘出来的车 This truck in the motor pool? Smoke wafting out of the hatch? 我不... I don"t... 我想和你谈谈 I wanted to speak with you. 洗耳恭听 You have my undivided attention. 我马上要参加晋升选拔了 I"ve got a promotion board coming up. 你想让我提拔你当队长吗 You want me to put you in as team leader. 没错 Yes. Yeah. 有六个人想要这份工作 I"ve got six guys trying for that job. 你想要吗 You want it? 说服我 Convince me. 布里格曼去哪了 Where the fuck is Brig?

 半小时没见他了 He"s been gone like half an hour. -该死


 -开门 - Shit! What the fuck do we do? - Open the door. 晚上好


 你们在做什么呢 Evening, boys. What are you up to? 这可不好 This is not good. 去阿富汗国民军营地那找我的兄弟达尔韦什 Go see my man Darwesh at the ANA camp. 他会给你们弄最好的货 He"ll get you the primo shit. 搞什么 What the fuck...? 把除臭剂递给我 Can you pass me that deodorant? 给你 There you go. 兄弟

 我在考虑多弄点文身 Man, I"m thinkin" about getting some more ink. -是吗

 -比如在这文个骷髅头 - Yeah? - Like a skull right there? -是吗

 -嗯 - Yeah? - Yeah. 你怎么不在屁♥股♥上文一个"往这里插" Why don"t you get one on your ass? "Insert wood here". 这样吗 Yeah? 你们知道那是什么意思吗 You know what those are, don"t you? 迪克斯腿上的骷髅头 The skulls on Deeks" legs? 红的是在伊♥拉♥克♥

 蓝的是在阿富汗 Red ones from Iraq, blue from Afghanistan. 非要我说得更清楚吗 Do I have to spell it out for you? 你想说什么 What are you trying to say? 他杀了十二个人吗 He killed like, what, twelve fucking dudes? 不杀人是打不赢战争的 You don"t win wars zip-tying people. 我当时和迪克斯在拉马迪 I was with Deeks in Ramadi.


 他作为机♥枪♥手在检查点执勤 This one day, he was on the checkpoint. SAW gunner. 有辆车冲向他

 里面坐满了戴头巾的 He had a car coming towards him. Crammed with towelheads. -阿♥拉♥伯突击队队员那样的吗

 -不 - Like, Fedayeen? - No. 是一家人


 一整个家庭 A family. Mom, Dad, little kid, the whole fucking deal. 他们不停下来

 所以... They wouldn"t stop, so... 我的天 Jesus fucking Christ. 很操蛋

 对吧 Fucked up, right? 错了 Wrong. 打开后备箱 Opened up the trunk, 手提箱塞满了数百磅的自♥制♥炸♥药♥ hundred pounds of HME stuffed in a fucking suitcase. 足以把整个排炸上天 Enough to barbecue the whole goddam platoon. 这些禽兽就是这么卑鄙 That"s how depraved these fucking animals are. 把自己的孩子炸成灰 Incinerate their own kids 就为了杀死几个美国人 just to get a few of ours. 所以我们才需要迪克斯这样的人 That"s why we need guys like Deeks. 强硬无比 Fucking hard. 不顺心的一天 -库姆斯



 上士 - Coombs, how do you like it cooked? - Medium rare, Staff Sergeant. 三成熟

 马上好 Medium rare, coming right up. 别忘了你的阅读材料 Don"t forget your reading material. 好好享用 Enjoy. 布里格曼 Briggman? 我要生的

 Bloody. 真是个原始人 Fucking caveman. 给你 Here you go. 3-2 队和 3-3 队从北面迫近主干道 3-2 and 3-3 will approach on the main road from the north. 我和 3-1 队驻守在南边 I"ll be stationed on the south side, down here with 3-1. 准备下午四点半再行动 Ready to roll at 16:30. 有问题吗 Questions. 好

 还有一件事 Good, one more piece of business. 如你们所知

 3-2 队缺一个车辆指挥 As you all know, we have a spot open on 3-2 for vehicle commander. 马奎斯技术军士 Specialist Marquez? 是

 上士 Yes, Sergeant. 据我所知 I understand you"ve expressed an interest 你有意于队长一职

 是吗 in a team leader position, is that correct? 是 Hooah. -你完成 IAVC 了吗

 -完成了 - Have you completed your IAVC? - Roger that. 很好 Very good. 要是我让布里格曼担任队长

 你怎么说 Now, what would you say if I gave the job to Briggman? 我... I... 我不知道

 我不建议... I wouldn"t know, I wouldn"t suggest... 听起来不太赞同 Not exactly a ringing endorsement. 你不能那样

 上士 You can"t do that, Sergeant. 有趣的说法

 我们实验一下 Interesting theory. Let"s test it. 布里格曼


 Briggman, the job is yours. 能行 It worked. -非常感谢


 -不客气 - Thank you so much, Sergeant. - You"re welcome. 只是有一个小条件 Just one little thing. 你必须放倒马奎斯 You need to put Marquez on his back. 什么 What? 你把他打服 You put him into submission. 否则我不认为你能胜任这个岗位 Otherwise I"ll assume you"re not qualified for the job. 我会好好开心一下的

 兄弟 I"m gonna enjoy this, bro. 好好打 Straight up. -来啊兄弟

 -来 - Come on, man! - Come on! -来啊



 打 - Let"s go Briggsy! - Let"s do this, come on! 动手啊 Get in there! 肩膀也要按下去

 兄弟 Got to get his shoulder down, man. 放倒他

 干掉他 Get him down! Shut him down! 不

 不 No, no! 滚 Fuck off! 他刚舔了他耳朵 He just licked his ear! 好 Yes! -我打倒他了

 -舔我耳朵... - I got him. - Lick my fucking ear... 我打倒他了 I got him. 马奎斯

 你欠我一包烟 Marquez, you owe me a pack of smokes now. 我可没想到会这样

 I did not see that coming. 疯了 Crazy. 你看到了吗


 布里格曼 You see that? Briggman! Briggman! Yes. 爸 Hey, Dad. 跟你说

 我是队长了 Guess what, I"m team leader. 队长 Team leader? 有我自己的卡车

 手下还有兵 Got my own truck, got my own soldier too. 我最近真是一帆风顺 Things are really taking off for me. 所以你才忘掉了我们吗 Is that why you"ve been ignoring us? 我没有忘掉你们 I haven"t been ignoring you. 你两周没打电♥话♥了 You haven"t called in two weeks. 我责任很重 Well, I have a lot of responsibility. 我们只想确认你过得好不好 We just want to know you"re doing okay. 我知道


 但我得挂了 I know, I"ll be way better. I"ve got to go, though. 安德鲁 Andrew... 不



 再见 No, I"ve got to go. I"ll talk to you later. "Bye. 你是愿意在竞技场里 Would you rather be 和一百匹鸭子大小的马搏斗 in a boxing ring and fight a hundred duck-size horses 还是和一只马一样大的鸭子打 or one enormous, horse-size duck? -鸭子有多大

 -鸭子就这么 - How big is the duck? - The duck is like... -带武器吗

 -不带武器 - Do you have weapons? - You have no weapons, 你得赤手空拳地打

 但它们那种力气 you have to bare-knuckle fight him, but they have the power... -让开


 - Get the fuck out of my way! - What the fuck...? 退后 Stay back! 见鬼 Jesus fucking... -别挡路

 -还有心跳 - Get out of the way! - Got a pulse down there. -长官


 -布鲁厄 - Sir, what"s your name? - Bruer... 别闭眼



 走 Keep you eyes open. Stay with me. C"mon, let"s go. -快


 -快快快 - Go, go. - Go, go, go! 退后 Stand back! 上士 Sergeant? 爆♥炸♥物处理队正在排查爆♥炸♥点以北的公路 EOD is clearing the highway north of the blast site. 阿富汗警方正在追查爆♥炸♥犯的近期动向 Afghan police are tracking leads on the bomber"s last-knowns. 阿富汗警方就是睁眼瞎 Afghan police couldn"t track dogshit if it were stuck to their boots. -还有什么事吗


 是关于... - Help you with something else? - Yeah, it"s... 布鲁厄中士

 有消息吗 Sergeant Bruer. Is there any word? 他死了 He"s dead. 你要是想哭天抹泪

 别在这里 If you"re going to get emotional, don"t do it here. 你听到没有 Did you hear what I just said? 让他们都去死

 让那些混♥蛋♥见鬼去 Fuck those people, man. Fuck those motherfuckers. 祝他们全国都付之一炬 I"d like to see their whole country burn, man. 每一村子

 每一栋房♥子 Every village. Every goddamn house. 一草一木都不得幸免 Every bush, every tree. 我想看这整个该死的国家被烧成灰烬 I just want to see this whole fucking country burn to the ground. 口气不小

 That"s quite a manifesto. 不杀人是打不赢战争的 Yeah, well, you don"t win wars zip-tying people. 我想给你看个东西 I want to show you something. B 连的人昨晚在高速公路上发现了他 Bravo Company found him last night, out by the highway. 是他安装的简易炸♥弹♥吗 He planted the IEDs? 不


 他知道是谁干的 No, but I bet you a case of Coors he knows who did. 我们要怎么处理他 What are we supposed to do with him? 不是我们 Not we. 是你 You. 我要你让他受罪 I want you to hurt this man. 你是个好孩子 You"re a good kid. 那人的脸就跟刚插过老二的大黄派一样 Dude"s face looks like a rhubarb pie somebody just fucking stuck his dick in. 一样恶心

 整张脸一塌糊涂 The thing is just all mush, face is all fucked up, 鼻子被打断了 nose is broken, like... 你们真该看看

 兄弟 You should fucking see him, bro. 白人殴打绝望的有色人种 White man beating on helpless brown man. 这肯定史无前例 I think that is the first time in history that"s ever happened. 你们说什么呢 What are you guys talking about? 你知道那个关在康奈克斯的圣♥战♥分子吗

 那个疤脸 You know that Muj they got locked up in Conex? Scarface? 知道 Yeah. 瑞本给了他一顿好打

 兄弟 Rayburn fucked his shit up big-time, bro. 别看我的牌 Stop looking at my cards. 见鬼

 God damn. 一排上周在这里 First Platoon found remnants 发现了残留物

 装有电路板和电线的酒瓶 of circuit boards and wires in a hooch here last week. 爆♥炸♥犯就在附近 The bomb makers are close. 我们要挨个搜索村庄

 把他找出来 We"re going to search every one of these villages till we find them. 道斯中士


 就让一队和三队来支援 Sergeant Dawes, get ready to pull in First and Third Squads if it blows up. 是 Hooah. 有问题吗 Any questions? 好

 现在出发 Right, let"s move out. 是 Hooah. -不包括你


 什么意思 - Not you. - What? What do you mean? 车辆指挥留下看车 Vehicle commander stays with the vehicle. -马奎斯


 -收到 - Marquez! You"re with me. - Roger that. -瑞本



 -收到 - Rayburn, Coombs, flank left. - Roger that. 打猎愉快 Good hunting. 你好

 给我一块巧克力 Hello. Give me a chocolate. 伙计们

 我今天没带糖 Guys, I don"t have any candy on me today. -没有糖


 你好 - No candy. - Hello. Hello. 看


 没有糖 Look. Look, no candy. 巧克力

 巧克力 Chocolate. Chocolate. 今天没有糖 No candy today. 住手

 住手 Stop! Stop! 不许碰枪

 You don"t touch a gun! 不

 不 No, no! 别这样 Stop it. 遇敌


 遇敌 Contact, contact, contact. 我们刚转过转角 So we turn the corner, 这个圣♥战♥小疯子就用手榴弹袭击了我们 and this crazy fucking Muj kid attacks us with a grenade. 对

 好像是旧俄式手榴弹 Yeah, like an old Russian grenade. 库姆斯开了枪

 手榴弹掉到了地上 Coombs opened fire. Grenade hit the ground... 离我们就差一点 Danger close. 干得漂亮

 先生们 Outstanding work, gentlemen. 很出色 Yeah, outstanding. 你们俩是本月 B 连最佳士兵 You two just made Bravo Company"s employee of the month. 去问村民

 看看能不能问出名字 Go get the village hoo-ha and see if he can give us an ID. 他说什么 What"s he saying? 我的儿子 My son. 太好了

 太好了 Fuck yeah! Fuck yeah, motherfucker! 我们做到了

 我们做到了 We fucking did that shit! We fucking did that shit! 我们做到了

 天啊 We fucking did that shit! Oh my God! 我们做到了 We fucking did it! 我们做到了

 我们做到了 We fucking did it! We fucking did it! 我想感谢我的父母把我培养得我如此出色 I would like to thank my parents for making me so awesome. 我还想感谢我的教官 And I would also like to thank my drill sergeant 他说我的枪就和画笔一样

 for teaching me that my gun is like a paintbrush. 我的一年级老师

 她相信我 My first grade teacher, she believed in me. 她说如果我


 死性不改 She said that if I... Fuck you! ...kept it up, 早晚会弄出人命来 I was going to get somebody killed. 她说对了 She was right. 她太对了 She was goddamn right. -那我谢谢你


 -哥德尔老师 - You know what? Thank you, Miss Godel. - Miss Godel! 你让我成了标杆... You made me a specimen... 迪克斯呢

 你们不感谢迪克斯吗 What about Deeks? Don"t you want to thank Deeks? -什么鬼

 -不 - What the fuck! - No! 我要跟你们说多少次 How many times I tell you jerk-offs 不要在帐篷里抽大♥麻♥ not to smoke that shit in the goddamn tent? -老兄


 -放松 - Dude, unclench. - Unclench? 两公里外都闻得到这股臭味 You can smell that shit from a fucking mile away. 就是这个意思


 兄弟 That"s what I"m saying, it"s good stuff, man. -跟你说

 -别闹了 - You know what? - Get outta here. 不



 混♥蛋♥ No, who are they gonna blame? Puerto Rico. Cocksucker. 或是黑人

 我也在这里呢 Or the black guy! I"m in here too. 看起来你需要聊聊 You look like you need someone to talk to. 不



 上士 No, I"m fine. Thanks, Sergeant. 我没问你的意见 I wasn"t asking. 我只是... I just... 我只是一直在想我们今天杀死的那孩子

 I just keep thinking about that kid that we killed today. 他怎么了 What about him? 我只是... I just... 好

 我们散散步 Alright, let"s take a walk. 来 Come on. 我看错你了 I was wrong about you. -等等


 -你还没准备好当领队 - Wait. What? - You"re not ready to be a leader. 不


 我只是... No, I am, I"m just... 你这种聪明人适合在营地里搞后勤 Logistics could use a smart guy like you back at camp. -你擅长计算机


 -不 - You"re good with computers, right? - No. 上士

 没必要这样 Sergeant, you don"t have to do that. 做文职

 跟你父亲一样 Work a desk, like your father. 不


 我要留下 No, Sarge, I want to stay. 我们杀人 We kill people. 这是我们的本职 It"s what we do. 你对此有异议吗 Do you have a problem with that? 没有

 上士 No, Sergeant. 没有

 上士 No, Sergeant! 兴高采烈先生来了 Here he is, Mister Sunshine and Rainbows. 你感觉如何 How are you feeling? 我挺好 I feel fine. 给 Here. 看看能不能让你别这么"好"

 Let"s see if we can fix that. -兄弟

 -怎么 - Hey, man. - Yeah? 杀那个人是什么感觉 What was it like killing that guy? 你听说过良心弹吗 Did you ever hear of a conscience round? 没有吗 No? 好吧

 我爸 Okay, so my dad... 他对历史很着迷 He was like this major history buff, and... 他说在十九世纪还是啥时候 and he told that in 18-whatever, 处死间谍是由行刑队齐射 they used to execute spies by firing squad. 不过呢

 有时候 But you see, occasionally, 队员会僵住

 没法扣下扳机 the shooters would freeze up and couldn"t pull the trigger. 所以人们想出了这个主意 So they came up with this idea. 给其中一支枪填装空弹 They would load one of the rifles with a blank. -那枚空弹就是良心弹

 -对 - And the blank was the conscience round? - Yeah. 没人知道哪支枪里是空弹 Now, nobody knew which gun had the blank. 这也不重要 Not that it mattered. 一旦把装了空弹的枪混入其中 Once you put that one blank into the mix, 突然间

 就不会感觉到"是我杀了这个人" suddenly it"s not "I"m shooting this person", 而是"我们杀了这个人"

 是我们一起干的 it"s "we"re shooting this person." It"s all of us. 这才是关键 And that"s the key. 是集体 It"s the group. 等你想明白了

 你就可以随意对任何人开枪 Once you figure that out, you can shoot anybody you want. 而不会夜不能寐

 And never lose a wink of sleep. 晚安

 布里格曼 Goodnight, Briggman. 如果你不是步兵

 那你就是步兵支援 欢迎加入我们 布里格

 有什么好消息吗 Brigsey. What is the good word, my man? 你忘记签字了 You forgot to sign this. 是造成阵亡的枪击报告

 那个孩子的 It"s the shooter"s statement from the KIA. The kid. -布里格

 -怎么了 - Brigsey. - Yeah. 你怎么还不走 You"re hovering. 抱歉 Sorry. 你说那孩子扔了一枚俄式 RGD 手榴弹

 对吗 You said that the kid threw a Russian RGD grenade, right? 对啊

 怎么了 Yeah, so? 我只是在想

 既然手榴弹炸了 Just wondering because it exploded. 你怎么知道是 RGD 手榴弹的 How did you know it was an RGD? 因为我看见他手里拿着 Because I saw it in his hand. 但你离他有五十米远

 你怎么看到的 But you were fifty meters away. How did you see that? 你问这些是什么意思 What is this with the questions? 不好意思

 只是 I"m sorry, I just, uh... 只是感觉这个细节挺有意思的 It just seemed like a funny detail to call out. 是啊


 布里格 Yeah, well, like I always say, Brigsey, 故事的重点就在于细节 stories are all about the details. 说完了吗 We done? 嗯

 好 Yeah. Cool. 我要见上尉

 I need to see the Captain. 你能告诉我他什么时候有空吗

 这事很重要 Can you tell me when he"s around? It"s very important. 我又不是他的秘书 I"m not his fucking secretary. 但你知道他什么时候在

 你知道他什么时候有空 But you know when he"s around. You know when he"s free. -和迪克斯上士谈过了吗

 -没有 - Talked to Sergeant Deeks yet? - No. 别越级汇报

 老兄 Chain of command, dude. 拜托

 只要三分钟 Please. Three minutes. 我只需要三分钟 It"s all I need. 指挥所 爸

 在吗 安德鲁·布里格曼 爸

 在吗 我这里出事了 该死 Oh, fuck! 下手轻点儿

 兄弟 Take it fucking easy, man! 爷们点儿

 别动 Man the fuck up and hold still. 威廉姆·布里格曼 你惹上事了吗 别再扎我胳膊了 Stop digging into my fucking arm! 爷们点儿

 别动 Man the fuck up and hold still. 没有

 但这事我得保密 告诉我发生了什么 布里格

 你得来看看 Brigsey. You should see this, man. 库姆斯要在胳膊上文一个大屌♥ Coombs is getting a big fat cock tattooed on his arm! -别动

 -才不是大屌♥ - Hold still, man. - It"s not a cock. -我去


 兄弟 - Oh, shit! - Shit! What the fuck, man? 我看出来了

 兄弟 I see it, man.

 看上去就像个屌♥ It looks like a fucking dick! 抱歉

 我没有看出来... I"m sorry, I didn"t see that... 告诉我发生了什么 说啊

 安德鲁 你这个该死的混♥蛋♥ You fucking piece of shit! 你想让我怎么补救 How do you want me to fix it? 你到底明不明白... Do you understand... 谋杀 布里格 Brigsey. 去你的

 你♥他♥妈♥闭嘴 Fuck you! Shut the fuck up! 布里格

 你来不来看了 Brigsey, you comin" or what? 低调点

 我去联♥系♥刑事侦缉部 来了 Yep! 你们见到迪克斯了吗 You guys seen Deeks? 见到迪克斯了吗 You seen Deeks? 你知道迪克斯在哪吗 Do you know where Deeks is? 好吧 Alright, look. 他让我不要声张

 但是刑事侦缉部传唤他了 He told me not to say anything, but CID called him in. 好像是要调查他 Yeah. Some kind of investigation. 和匿名举报有关

 我就知道这么多 Something about an anonymous tip. That"s all I know. 我♥操♥ Fuck me! 别扯这些了 Cut the gloomy shit. 迪克斯知道怎么处理这事

 好吗 Deeks knows how to handle this. Okay? 操

 不管是谁出♥卖♥♥♥了我们 Fuck! Whoever ratted us,

 最好祈祷别被迪克斯逮到 better pray to fucking God Deeks doesn"t find him. 布里格曼 Briggman. -迪克斯找你


 你见到他了 - Deeks is looking for you. - What? You saw him? 他刚回帐篷里 Yeah, he just got back to his tent. 提醒你一句

 他看上去很生气 Oh, and bro... he looks pissed. 老兄 Hey, dude. 你玩吗 You play? 玩过一两次 Once or twice. 暗影

 巨人 第一回合 暗影

 巨人 开打 这还叫玩过一两次 Once or twice, my ass. 我从我表弟那边学了几招 I learned a few moves from my cousin. 你明白无论在这里发生什么 You know that anything that happens out here 都是我们自己人的事

 对吗 stays in the family, right? 当然 Of course. 如果你有什么问题

 你要直接来找我 If you ever have any issues, you"ll come to me directly. 我很感激 I really appreciate that. 是吗 Do you? 暗影获胜 Shadow wins! 看看 Look at that. 你赢了 You won. 布里格 Brigsey.

 你在干什么 What the fuck you doin"? 我只是在进行维修检测 I"m just doing PMCS. 走吧

 要开会了 Come on, let"s go. Team meeting. 现在吗

 开什么会 Now? What"s the team meeting about? 迪克斯抓着个叛徒 Deeks caught a rat. 走吧 Let"s go. 布里格曼 Briggman. 你愣着干什么

 走吧 What the fuck you doing? Let"s go. 我刚想起来

 装甲车舱门忘关了 I just remembered I left the hatch open on the Stryker. -是吗

 -我现在就去关 - Yeah? - So I think I"m gonna go. 晚点再去关 Deal with it later. 不


 不然迪克斯 No, I think I"m gonna go do that because Deeks is... -会要我的命

 -迪克斯会要你的命 - gonna have my ass. - Deeks is gonna have your ass? 他会网开一面的 He"ll make an exception. 相信我

 走吧 Trust me. Let"s go. 希望你别介意我们没等你 Hope you don"t mind we started without you. 真是个该死的缉毒警 That goddamn narc. 他直接把刑事侦缉部引过来了 He brought CID right into our house. 为了什么

 就为了点儿大♥麻♥ And for what? Fucking hash? 而且这让我疑心他还说了些什么 And it makes me wonder what else he"s been talking about. -等等


 -是啊 - Wait, that"s why CID came here? - Yeah. 你敢相信吗 Can you believe that shit?

 他去匿名举报了 He called in an anonymous tip. 但迪克斯到处都有耳目 But Deeks so in, Deeks has ears everywhere. 你什么也瞒不过那家伙 You can"t get nothing past that dude. 我们接下来有几个重要任务 We"ve got some big missions coming up. 迪克斯做了很多计划 Deeks has a lot of stuff planned, 所以如果你听说还有谁嘴巴不严 so if you get a whiff of any other punk-asses with discretion issues, 你就告诉我 you let me know. 他们可以在医务室躺六周

 就像马奎斯一样 They could spend the next six weeks in Medical, like Marquez. 布里格 Brigsey. 你跟我们一条心吗 Are you with us on this? 喂 Hello? 爸 Dad. 安迪


 这都几点了 Andy. Jesus, what time is it? 你没事吧

 安全吗 Are you okay? Are you safe? 别联♥系♥刑事侦缉部

 听见了吗 Don"t call CID. Did you hear me? 迪克斯消息很灵通 Deeks hears everything. 他会发现的

 你不能去 He"ll find out. You have to stop. 不

 我们还有别的办法 No, look, we"ve still got some moves here. -不不不

 -你只需要保持冷静 - No, no, no. - I just need you to stay calm. 我要去... I"m going to get... 爸 Dad? 爸


 该死 Dad? Dad? Fuck!

 该死 Fuck. 你知道些什么 What do you got? 扯淡

 一排两天前刚在这遭受袭击 Bullshit. First Platoon got hit two days ago, right fucking here. 他在说什么 What the fuck is he saying? 他在抱怨

 你吓着她老婆了 He is complaining. You are frightening his wife. 我才不在乎你老婆 I don"t give a fuck about your wife, bro. 布里格曼

 带她回屋 Briggman, put her inside. 肖伊德

 去找村长 Shoaid, go get the village honcho. 我们需要你回屋

 进屋吧 We need you to go inside. Just go inside, please. In there. 暂时在屋里待着

 好吗 Just inside for now, just inside for now, okay? 坐下

 坐下 Sit. Sit. 待在这别动 Stay there! 待在这别动

 你们这些人就是不开窍 Stay there. You people aren"t getting the fucking message! 你要去哪 Where are you going? 该死的 Goddamn it! 看来他们开窍了 Looks like they got the message. -他在加速

 -你上次给我们看的 - He"s hyping this up... - The last one you showed us... 不

 肯定是这些家伙 No, it"s gonna be these guys right here. -这些家伙


 这些蠢货 - Those ones? - No, right... these dumb fucks, man. 看着 Look at it. 牛逼

 这我得拷一份 Shit! I gotta get a copy of that. 你有什么好料给我看看 What have you got for me?

 威廉姆·布里格曼 然后他们就把他杀了吗

 天啊 我没事

 我扛得住 他们想藏在鸡舍里 They try to hide in this chicken coop, 然后就被阿帕奇扫死了 and then just get iced by an Apache. 这故事我两周前就从特拉弗斯那里听过了 Come on, bro, I got that one from Travers like two weeks ago. 你囤这么多录像干什么 Why you gotta hog all these fucking videos? 给我拷一份 Let me get a copy of this. 威廉姆·布里格曼 不



 你得脱身 爆米花要吗 Popcorn? 不了

 谢谢 No. No, thanks. 好吧 Alright. 你接着忙吧 I"ll let you get back to your work. 谢谢 Thanks. 迪克斯上士 Sergeant Deeks? 需要我帮忙吗 Can I help you with that? 来

 你拎另一边 Here, grab the other side. 这下你可以好好看看了 Now you can really dig in there. 你见过这玩意吗 Ever seen one of these before? 我见过一个人被炸成两半 I saw a guy get ripped in two once. 太疯狂了 That was some crazy shit. 你来这有什么事

 布里格曼 So what were you doing here, Briggman? 我知道是怎么回事了 I know what"s going on. 是吗

 Yeah? 我不能牵扯进去 I can"t be part of that. 怎么

 你觉得那么做不对吗 What, you think it"s wrong? 是的 Yeah, I do. 你觉得那个人是无辜的吗 You think that man was innocent? 他不该死 He didn"t deserve to die. 他手无寸铁 He was unarmed. 好吧

 如果他手上拿着一把突击步♥枪♥ Alright, so only if he"s holding an AK, then he... 那他就突然变成坏人了

 是吗 magically becomes a bad guy, huh? 他们总说不知道简易炸♥弹♥埋在哪 They never know where the IED"s are buried, 但他们总是知道该怎么避开 but they always know how to avoid them. 这是怎么回事 What the fuck is that? 是真♥主♥的意志吗 The will of Allah? 是天意吗

 不是 Divine intervention? No. 他们是共谋

 布里格曼 They"re co-operators, Briggman. 杀他们一个

 就是救我们十个 You kill one of theirs, you save ten of ours. 你还跟我说那么做不对 And you"re telling me that"s not right. 宪法规定

 你可以处决 The Constitution says you can execute 任何为敌军提供援助的美国公民 American citizens for giving comfort and aid to the enemy. 而这些混♥蛋♥却能逃过一劫吗 And these motherfuckers should get a pass? 你是这么想的吗 Is that what you think? 对不起 I"m sorry. 不要道歉

 Don"t apologize. 我欣赏你的坦诚 I appreciate your honesty. 醒醒

 兄弟 Wake up, bro. 布里格曼 Briggman? 该出发了 Time to go. 去哪儿 Go where? 起来你就知道了 Get your ass up and find out. 你感觉如何

 布里格 So how you feelin", Brigsey? 我...

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